Passover 2024

We’re in the final day of Passover and Passover has been meaningful this year. David participated in the Stonewall Seder with me, and it was exciting having our first Seder as an engaged couple. I felt like Rabbi Jessica too. It also sparked conversation and reflection, which we both loved.

Tuesday’s Seder at TBA was so special. Lately, I’ve been attending Shabbat services on Zoom. I was seated with some of my favourite congregants and they asked me how I was doing. I told them that David proposed. They met David during Hanukkah and really loved chatting with him.

A lot of mazel Tovs and after the Seder, during our meal, I was asked when our big day was, and if we had any honeymoon plans.
David and I talked about going to Japan. We would both love to see Japan when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Mr. Hartwig suggested Okinawa. I told him that Pop-Pop was in the Air Force during Vietnam and he was stationed there for a few years. Mom was too young to remember it, but my aunts remember some things.

Mr. Hartwig was in Okinawa in the early 70s, he worked as a doctor. He was telling me his stories about when he was over there, when Okinawa went from American hands back to Japanese hands. They were terrified and he helped a bit with the transition. I’m so glad he shared that story with me.

The Rabbi was also happy to see me. She’s so happy for David and I, she’s also happy to hear that move in went smoothly, the transition is going well too. She told me that she was worried about me in my old living conditions, and she’s happy that I’m having my own Passover this year, free from drama.

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Creator of the Happiness Box Project Initiative, a project where you write your happiness or gratitude each day, then open the box in the New Year. The Initiative is to teach joy and gratitude, to pass it on to others.

One thought on “Passover 2024”

  1. Hi, Jessica Marie!

    “Free from drama” are key words, dear friend. I couldn’t be happier for you and David. Hand in hand, you are winding your way through another year together, this time as an engaged couple. It is indeed a wonderful time for good conversation, reflection and thanksgiving. If you guys are still formulating honeymoon plans, may I suggest a pilgrimage to the Shady Dell in York? :) Many blessings to you both, dear friend JM!


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