Thankful Thursday 10 October 2019

The leaves have finally started to turn in the Philadelphia Area! Woohoo! The weather has started to cool as well; so autumn is finally in the air and I think it’s here to stay.

I had a decent week. I am thankful for my co-workers, and the love of my family and friends.

Savage and I are talking again. He apologized and gave me a hug on Monday. Boundaries are being respected and well, we’ll see. I feel thankful about it.

What are you thankful for?

Published by


Creator of the Happiness Box Project Initiative, a project where you write your happiness or gratitude each day, then open the box in the New Year. The Initiative is to teach joy and gratitude, to pass it on to others.

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday 10 October 2019”

  1. Hi, Jessica Marie!

    We arrived home late last night and I went straight to bed. We will be on the road again starting the 15th. This pattern will continue in the weeks and months to come.

    I’m glad you found things for which to be thankful on this TT. I hope you will take pictures of the fall leaves in Eastern PA and post them. I see very little in the way of autumn splendor down here in Florida. It remains very warm, too uncomfortable to venture outdoors for long. Seems like Savage is turning into Wally Cleaver. If that is the case, then I am thankful for his sake and yours. However I wouldn’t let my guard down if I were you.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend JM!


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