Thankful Thursday 11 July 2019

Ah, the Thursday before a week long vacation. I am looking forward to it AND I am unplugging. I will only accept texts and calls from my parents; the rest of the world I am shutting out to relax. I am going to uninstall Instagram too. It’ll truly be a week of rest and relaxation.

I sent out thank you cards for my birthday and for birthday weekend. I gave Kristin a card for making my workday birthday celebration so special; she responded positively and she was happy that she was able to make my birthday so special. I e-mailed the rest of my co-workers too. I also sent Luke a thank you card for being so kind to me last week and surprisingly he texted me that he received it and thanked me. We’ve been texting every day so far. I guess written thanks are special!

I am still thankful for everyone who has made birthday month special so far. I am verklempt and my heart is exploding.

What are you thankful for?

Published by


Creator of the Happiness Box Project Initiative, a project where you write your happiness or gratitude each day, then open the box in the New Year. The Initiative is to teach joy and gratitude, to pass it on to others.

One thought on “Thankful Thursday 11 July 2019”

  1. Hi, Jessica Marie!

    Now you’ve got me all verklempt, too, dear friend! It doesn’t take a lot to get the good vibes going with people, and that’s what you have done in the workplace. Chances are, the happy memories you keep of your 30th birthday will be shared by all the other people you remembered to thank for their kindness.

    I think you are doing the right thing by unplugging while on your vacation. We all need to withdraw from social media now and then for the sake of our sanity. Mrs. Shady and I both did that during our vacation in Mexico and it was refreshing, helped recharge our batteries. Your social media accounts will all still be there when you get back. Break free and enjoy.

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful time on your V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N, dear friend JM!


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